Monday, February 27, 2012

1.       What is the best advice you can give to an aspiring actor?
2.       Where should I go when auditioning?
3.       What are the types of questions casting directors ask you?
4.       How to get noticed?
5.       How to pick an agent?
6.       How to avoid acting scams?
7.       How to start an acting career?
8.       Should you move to another state to start an acting career, if so where?
9.       What are some acting tips that will help me succeed in this career?
What is the best advice you can give to an aspiring actor?
Just being an actor isn’t good enough these days. Actors in current times are triple threats. They can sing, dance, and act. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to be skilled in some other area. Learn to play an instrument. You need to stand out from the rest of your competition. It’s best to have other talents than acting. Just like college directors, casting directors want a well-rounded person who can offer more to them than just one thing.
Where should I look when auditioning?
If the director doesn’t tell you where to look, find a place on a wall and focus on that spot. Speak to the wall. Don’t constantly look around talking to random objects then the casting director. You want the scene to be realistic. In real life the person you’re talking wouldn't be jumping from one place to another when it comes to monologues.
What are the types of questions casting directors ask you?
Casting director’s questions range from asking about the last production you were in to what are your hobbies. Think of it as a job interview. They just want to feel what kind of person you are and if you qualified enough to work with their company. Be genuinely. Don’t try to give the answer that you think they want to hear. You don’t know what they might be looking for. Don’t give scripted answers. Answer the questions sincerely and professionally.
How to get noticed?
In order to get noticed you need to put yourself out there. You have to be driven person because there are so many people in this business who are. If you let them, they’ll get right in front of you. You can’t be shy. You have to let your friends and family know that you’re trying to get into the acting industry. Therefore, if they hear something about an audition they can let you know. You can’t let your goal be a secret.
To get noticed, you might want to get an agent. Agents connect you with casting directors who will give you a shot to be in their production. A way to get notice you can be in multiple plays, movies, TV shows, commercials, etc. To get notice you have to stand out and you have to work hard.
How to find an agent?
Research about different agencies out there and invite one of them to see you perform. If they would like to represent see how many people they represent. This gives you an idea on how much time their probably going to devote to your career. For example, if one person is representing 100 people then you might not get the best representation you could have. If your acting career is just starting it might be a good idea to start off with a small agency. One way I found my agent was by representing myself and bumping into one on set.
Was this advice helpful to you? Do you do something differently? If so, What? Do you have any other advice you would give an inspiring actor?
Demi LavatoMiley Cyrus and Selena Gomez


  1. Tranisha: Although its true that you do have to be a well rounded actor. Whatever happened to just simply being yourself? It sounds like you have to force yourself to be multi-talented just to beat your fellow competitors. Denzel washington is just a actor nothing more nothing less. But is phenomenal at what he does. He is legendary. So why not just do acting?

    1. Yes, it seems like these days you have to do more just to get notice. It might be because people now and days are lazier and just want to be famous. I couldn't tell you why but i agree that the older actors are great just doing acting and nothing else.

  2. Ra'Shan Blackston :I think that any inspiring actor trying to get big in this business they should definently follow the advice given in this blog because i agree with everything that she is saying.

  3. Yeah, I think you give some pretty good advice to any aspiring actor. I would say to follow your dreams, work hard at it, and don't let ANYONE tear you down, I mean who knows. . . You could actually be on the Big Screen one day!

    1. Exactly, That's the one of the best advice you can give anyone trying to be in any profession. There's always faith. You don't want to be in a career you dread doing every day.

  4. The Advice I Would Do Is If You Are Good At What You do Dont Let Nobdoy Knok You , But Making It In This Buisness Aint As Easy As 1 , 2 , 3 ! So Always Try To Have A Back Up Plan

  5. I think this information could be really valuable to anyone who wanted to become an actor.. great stuff

  6. I agree it could a hard task trying to become a up and coming actor but I know with self determination and motivation you can do anything. I commend you for setting high goals. Keep it up!

  7. I think that your advice is great for any aspiring actors. I personally don't want to become an actor but if I do decide to go that route I would most definately follow your advice

  8. it is extremly hard to become and actor. it is not impossible but you have to special to be noticed. It takes alot of guts to get out on a stage and project your talents in front of some hard core people but if this what you love then you should shoot for it.

    1. Acting isn't for everyone....some people feel at home in front of an audience and for some people it does take a lot of guts to get up there, they have to get use to it.

  9. yes, this advice was very helpful to me because i know there are many aspiring actors/actresses that need to know this information if they have goals and aspirations to go far in this field of work. Great job

  10. The best advice that i would give to you is to be confident. If you feel as if you can strive to become the best then you should go for it.

  11. If I was more of a peoples person and I was thinking about maybe becoming an actor I would follow this advice, it's pretty thurough in how it tells you to do something.

  12. Dominique Thompson: my best advice to an aspiring actor/actress is to saty focused and dont let anyone tell you different. Looking for an agent will be difficult but there is enough for every actor. Acotrs just dont come natural so in order to be the best you have to work at it.

    1. Yeah i agree. I feel like a lot of people in this field chasing their dream in industry get discoraged a lot and don't think its going to happen because people opinions. With hard and dedication you can achieve something

  13. Anthony Wales:
    My advice to aspiring actors is to work hard and never give up. I also believe you should never let anyone bring you down. Searching for agents is not an easy job but everyone is able to get provided one. you can't just wake up one day and be a great actor you have to work hard at it. I always believe if its easy than its not worth having.

  14. When I was younger I wanted to be an actor. Since then I have changed my career aspirations. But if I still wanted to be an actor this information would be very helpful to me. Good luck on your future!

  15. so how do you start being an actor. do you go to school for it? do you just show up to an audition?

    1. You find about an audition you can either show up or contact them, it varies.

  16. When did you first realize you wanted to be an actor?

  17. These are all very good tips. The one about the agencies really stuck out to me. i agree with you as well. What is it an actor is to do if they cant find the correct agency that suits them.
